最近またPython Fabricを使い始めたんだけど、Python Fabricのバージョン1で使っていたタスクのタブ補完入力のシェルスクリプトがバージョン2では動作しなくなってて、なんとかしたいなとウェブ検索で探したりしてたんですが、、、なんてことはない、Fabricのヘルプにあった!
$ fab -h
Print the tab-completion script for your
preferred shell (bash|zsh|fish).
$ fab --print-completion-script=bash
# Invoke tab-completion script to be sourced with Bash shell.
# Known to work on Bash 3.x, untested on 4.x.
_complete_fab() {
local candidates
# COMP_WORDS contains the entire command string up til now (including
# program name).
# We hand it to Invoke so it can figure out the current context: spit back
# core options, task names, the current task's options, or some combo.
candidates=`fab --complete -- ${COMP_WORDS[*]}`
# `compgen -W` takes list of valid options & a partial word & spits back
# possible matches. Necessary for any partial word completions (vs
# completions performed when no partial words are present).
# $2 is the current word or token being tabbed on, either empty string or a
# partial word, and thus wants to be compgen'd to arrive at some subset of
# our candidate list which actually matches.
# COMPREPLY is the list of valid completions handed back to `complete`.
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${candidates}" -- $2) )
# Tell shell builtin to use the above for completing our invocations.
# * -F: use given function name to generate completions.
# * -o default: when function generates no results, use filenames.
# * positional args: program names to complete for.
complete -F _complete_fab -o default fab
# vim: set ft=sh :
と出力されのでそのまま .bash_profile
$ source .bash_profile